Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A day at tennis courts

What started out to be a mundane outing with my camera, transformed into a papparazi kind of thing. Being a fan of tennis as I've always been, I decided to devote a shred of my attention to this annual tournament that I've so successflly evaded up until now. I don't know why I've been doing that so don't ask me. I guess I was always kindda reluctunt to watch obscure players from the end of ATP rankings giving mediocre performances. However, I figured a day at the courts will do me good and indeed it did. When I saw Koellerer in action I thought not only is he a good player but also a great entertainer. After all that's really all we're looking for in our old miserable, sad lifes- a bit of fun. Not only did I decide to take pictures but I also remebered my camera has a movie mode of which I'd taken a full advantage. It's actually quite remarkable what happened at the courts during one particular match. Poor umpire must have had serious doubts about his career choice. I know I've never seen anything like this and I'm sure the fan tennis scene will have a lot of fun with this. Apparently PEKAO OPEN deemed my endeavors worth while since they published some of it on their official site: http://www.pekaoopen.pl/2007/. Didn't ask my permission though... bastards! Aa what the hell, if it's public it's public. As Ray Cokes ones said: "I am the man of the people and for the people" or something like that. Anyway, take a look. Cheers!