Friday, October 26, 2007

Broadband internet - exterminator or matchmaker ?

It is difficult to imagine a life without a broadband internet. It has become a commodity within everybody’s grasp. Even a florist can expand his business by providing internet service of free shipping to his customers. Each time when I close my eyes, I get vivid images and ideas that flash my mind with business ideas connected with the web. It has become unheard of not to incorporate one’s internet adress or email onto a business card. You can shop, get loans and whatnot with just a single click. And it is all affordable. If you are a bartender you may polish up on your drink-making skills, if you’re an animal lover you can make a donation to your favorite animals rights organization, if you’re a locksmith you may advertise or sell your products and services and if you are a gambler you may loose it all.

A comfy chaise longue, big screen LCD HDTV, cordless keyboard and mouse and you got your information/TV/movie center. Boy, must the elderly be perplexed by all this. Not only you do not have to run your errands but you can also complete a higienist course and with honors.

Don’t you wander where all this is going. Where we the mankind are going to end up. Nowhere sad I hope. We probably won’t live to see this and maybe that’s ok. According to Jehova’s Witnesses we should all be smelling the flowers from underneath thanks to the alleged armageddon that never came. Can you imagine what would’ve happened if they had gotten hold of mass mailers or spaming bots. Wow, that’d be a scary scenario.

Who knows what our futures hold.