Friday, October 26, 2007

Life or Something Like It Part 2

However, it is very unlikely for the parents to pay more attention to their young ones due to the crazy pace we adults live in. So all the technological spoils of the today’s modern world come extremely handy. “ Mommy, mommy… what is viagra ? ” – the always curious child tries to find out. But instead of the answer it is send to look it up on the internet or to the ever busy daddy. Internet, TV- very convenient, very popular but how destructive for a young, innocent mind. What happened to board games, card games or any other form of leisure that used to develop creative, logical thinking and unite the family together. Some would say this borderlines with gambling since I mentioned the card games, however it is not that easy. I have never been to the Golden Palace or the Riverbelle Casino but I’m pretty sure you need to be 18 to enter. Whereas with online gambling or internet gambling for that matter, it does not seem that difficult at all. It’s as easy as “borrowing” your daddy’s credit card or debit card and our favorite poker site or roulette welcomes us with a big grin.

Lawyers, dentists, truck drivers, you name’em, consolidating, acumulating all that money suddenly find themselves in banckrupcy all because their 16-year-old went on an offshore gambling spree. That of course is an extremely grim scenario and you might say it does not concern you. How wrong you are. It is the very negligence that might eventually lead to a substantial shrinkage of your wealth. Before you know it affordable becomes unaffordable and you have to forget about the cruises down the river nile or seine. Your child is very capable of ruining you both financially and mentally. Your insurance goes away, you get an allergy, no money for the doctor, you start popping pills, you get headaches, cancer, you die, they put you and you spouse in caskets, you go to the ground that’s it.

And it all started from the harmless, go-ask-your-daddy type of thing. Attention! It should be in our interest to provide it. That’s what the children of today need the most. Not another gadget you ordered that comes with free shipping. However amusing it might at first seem, it may eventually lead to prescription medicine that I mentioned ealier.