Friday, October 26, 2007

Life or Something Like it Part 1

I’ll start off by saying that I’ve never actually written a blog or a journal before. Strange as it may seem in the electronic era, it seems the written word has gained a new meaning. Some purchase cheap books, some write cheap books others write them and yet others read them. I myself find no use in books. Even discount price is not motivating enough, but then it never really was. Books are becoming more and more obscure like the words of Heidegger or Foucault. The only understandable babble is the language of chat rooms, internet communicators and emoticons backed up by countless ackronyms. I mean: FYI
AFAIR TNSTAAFL BG TTYL EOD. Believe it or not, that is a sentence and a meaningful one too.

Now I might be dense when it comes to books, but I wasn’t born in the barn if you know what I mean. You cannot communicate like that! That’s a sheer blasphemy of the language, in this case an English language but I’m sure many other as well.

Because of all of that suddenly we got terms like dyslexia and dyslexic and what not. Every second child seems to have a medical expert’s opinion on not being able to write properly or speak properly or behave accordingly. What a loads of bull. I say first of all parents should make their children unplug their cybernetic brains and step out of the digital world. There’s too much of it. Soon they won’t be able to write without a keyboard.